1. Players are to abide by the gaming laws from where the bets are placed and to ensure that you are of legal age..
2. Players are responsible for keeping their privacy and security information, including their user name and password. All game results are valid when name and password are logged into the player’s account..
3. We reserve the right to refuse or reject any players suspicious of cheating, hacking, attacking or damaging our business operations. We also reserve our right to amend the table limit and game features..
4. In case of any game error caused by human or technical factor, we have the right to make judgment in correcting the results, which will be deemed final and official..
5. In the case of any system malfunction or damage resulting in the loss of data, the available data will be deemed official. Players are expected to printout their records frequently as supporting record..
6. Players are responsible for checking their account balance before and after each gaming transaction and prior to departing from the session. Any error must be reported immediately to us before participating in the next or another game. Failure to do so will result in players waiving their rights to raise dispute..
7. In case of any human error during card dealing causing:.
a. False card position or order..
b. Inaccurate display & incorrect result (such incident may occur when dealer pulls out 2 or more cards at one time by mistake.).
We reserve the right to make corrections during or after the game on all dealing actions according to the correct and actual card position or card. The corrected results are deemed final and official..
8. Players will undertake not to enter, access or bypass our security system or interfere in any way or make changes to the software..
9. Players agree that in the unlikely event of a discrepancy in the game result regarding the wager or winnings, our decision will be final and binding..
10.We may at any time, without prior notice to you, terminate your account if we can reasonably suspect you to be in breach of any of the rules.